Starting from this post, We are going to reposts some of our previous tutorial in English. So that our reader from abroad of Indonesia can also understand and implement our tutorial. Hope you appreciate and enjoy it.
in this pandemic time, the use of online teleconference app is very vital to support our work and activities. One of the most popular app for teleconference is Google Meet. It has screen presentation feature so that the conference participants can view our screen display. But one of the drawback of screen presentation is that while the feature is active, we can’t see the other participants of the conference. For teachers, or meeting leaders, this drawback caused them unable to view the conference participants response of the presentation.
By using dual monitor display, we can show our presentation on one screen, and view the Google Meet participants on the second screen. In this tutorial, we will be using a windows 10 based laptop/notebook and a LCD TV monitor. the tools required are :
- Notebook / laptop with HDMI port
- HDMI cable
- LCD TV monitor with HDMI port
Here are the steps :
- Turn on the notebook/laptop, and locate the HDMI port

2. insert one end of the HDMI cable (such as shown on the picture below) to the laptop/notebook HDMI port

3. Next, connect the other end of the HDMI cable to the LCD TV HDMI port

4. Turn on the LCD TV, and set the source setting according to the port that we connected, at the picture above, we connect the cable to the HDMI 1 port. so we set the input source to HDMI 1

If we use computer LCD monitor, we don’t have to set the input source. The monitor will automatically detect the source signal.
5. on the laptop/notebook keyboard, press the display output key

or press the combination of Fn key and the display output key

So that windows 10 will show the display output menu such as shown in the picture below. Choose the “Extend” option.

After we choose the extend display option, the laptop monitor and the LCD TV will display the screen such as shown in the picture below.

6. For this instance we will be using MS Powerpoint. Start the Powepoint app, an open the file that is about to be presented. Click the “Restore Down” button on the upper right side of the screen to reduce the size of the Powerpoint window.

if you succeeded, the power point app should be reduce to smaller size such as shown in the picture below

7. Click and hold the Powerpoint window app, and move it to the right side of the screen so that it’s shown in the second monitor display or the LCD TV display.

continue move the Powerpoint window app until it completely shown in the secon screen or the LCD TV screen display.

8. Click the “Maximize window” button (the same button we use to reduce the size of the Powerpoint window) so that the Powerpoint window will be fully displayed on the second screen or the LCD TV screen.

9. Move the mouse pointer back to the left until it’s shown in the laptop/notebook screen. Next, open the internet browser application such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. open the Google meet website and do the login procedure until we enter the meeting session. For screen presentation, click the “present now” menu on the lower left part of the screen.

10. Next, clik the “Your entire screen” option.

11. On the next menu, there will be options on which screen that we want to show to the Google Meet participants. Select the second screen display that has the Powerpoint app in it (1), and then, click the “share” buttion.

12. Now, we can show our presentation on the LCD TV display or secondary display to the Google Meet participants. and we can still view the participants response or interact with the google meet participants on the Notebook/laptop screen or the main screen.

We hope you enjoy our tutorial, don’t forget Follow our Twitter account @smartdigiparent and also our Facebook page Smart Digital Parents
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